Hello! I'm Suzannah, a serious DIYer and mom of two little ones. Follow along with my DIY fixer upper house renovations, sewing and crafty projects, real food recipes, and de-stressing goals.
I believe you can love your home just the way it is, AND have the power to design and make big changes to make it better.
I'm also the author of DIY Wardrobe Makeovers!

Complete basement reno plans, bids, budget, and more

Ashley is planning a HUGE basement renovation - every square inch, plus some (adding really large egress windows, exposing the exterior foundation wall, and more) and it’s taken her a while to get bids in order and define the scope of work. She’s sharing what she’s learned this week on the Your Home Story podcast, and things you’ll want to keep in mind if you ever do a project like this!

(When I think next-level basement reno, I think of this media room by Room for Tuesday!)
Image source

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